
Proceed with caution
Soundcloud is a music streaming platform with an emphasis on giving small artists a platform to upload their music and interact with listeners. Soundcloud allows users to search for music and create playlists, and to follow and message artists.
Music & Audio

In-depth breakdown

Minimum Age Requirement
Messaging Capabillities
Messaging is available through the Soundcloud website, allowing individuals to exchange messages with artists. Messaging can be dislabled by the user in the privacy settings. However, there is no external parental lock on this setting.
Location Sharing
No public location sharing.
Parental Controls
Songs in Soundcloud are marked by the artist if they contain explicit lyrics, but there is no option to automatically filter out explicit song recommendations.
The addition of chat messaging capability sets Soundcloud apart from other music apps. Like any app that allows messaging with strangers, this adds risk.